Saturday 28 September 2013

Liebster Award

I got my first blog award. Thank you for the nomination PoppinsNails.

The rules are, you must nominate another 11 blogs who have less than 200 followers, and let them know you've nominated them. You are given 11 questions by the blogger who nominated you, which you must answer. You must give the blogs you nominate 11 question for them to answer. Finally you must link back to the person who nominated you.

Here's the questions PoppinsNails asked me, and my answers:

1. What inspired you do start a blog?
The nail art world is too infiltrated with females.

2. When someone comments on your posts, do you always reply?

3. Have you ever had any negative comments? If so how do you react?
I haven't yet but am sure I will.

4. What's your favourite season and why?
Spring and Autumn, not too hot and not too cold.

5. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
I'd be female for the day.

6. If you could change just one thing in your life, would you?

7. Do you enjoy blogging? Or has it taken over your life?
Not taken over my life one bit.

8. Has anything good ever happened to you because of your blog?

9. Sweet or Savoury?

10. Would you, or have you got a second blog?
No, don't have much time.

11. Where do you see your blog five years from now?
No idea.

Here are the 11 blogs I am nominating for this award

And my eleven questions for you all are:

1. What inspired you do start a blog?
2. When someone comments on your posts, do you always reply?
3. Have you ever had any negative comments? If so how do you react?
4. What's your favourite season and why?
5. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
6. If you could change just one thing in your life, would you?
7. Do you enjoy blogging? Or has it taken over your life?
8. Has anything good ever happened to you because of your blog?
9. Sweet or Savoury?
10. Would you, or have you got a second blog?
11. Where do you see your blog 5 years from now?

Please comment back with a link so I know you have accepted the award and can read your answers.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you might like to know I nominated you for a blog award! :)
